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Events with the Gaia Earth Gong

Why We Play

We live in a world filled with ever increasing distraction and stimulus, especially those of us who live in an urban environment. Modern life can feel dense and packed with constant movement and activity. This can make us feel that there is not enough space to move or breathe or relax. It can be hard to find a quiet moment to unwind, reground and relieve the stress of daily life.

The vibration of sound healing instruments such as the gong, can help us relax and calm our minds and bodies, reconnect with the life around us and the earth beneath our feet. They can help realign our energy to restore in us a sense of spaciousness, balance and peace within. In that space we can catch our breath and find peace in the midst of chaos.

Sound vibration can facilitate wellness on the physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual level.

    How We Play

    The Gaia Earth Gong and I are available for both public and private group sessions, private individual sessions, weddings, retreats, yoga classes and teacher trainings, inaugurations, gallery openings, conferences, fund raisers, memorial services, ceremonies and other special events.

    60-90 minute healing sound journey: Set your own healing intention then relax to explore it guided by the magical sound of the earth gong.

    Participants Have Experienced:

    • relief from physical pain, inflammation and illness
    • deep states of physical and mental relaxation
    • relief from emotional stress and trauma
    • increased physical energy
    • greater sense of physical and energetic body awareness
    • a sense of lightness of body, mind, and heart
    • deep meditative states
    • a lucid dream-like state
    • sense of euphoria and wellbeing
    • connection with ancestors and spirit guides
    • visionary journeys and higher states of consciousness
    • creative inspiration